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A sad start to 2017 for a jetty jumper at Henely Beach in South Australia

Jetty jumping is frowned upon and that would be because of the dire consequences that often surround it. South Australian beaches are so beautiful and the jetties which extend out from them are simply breath taking. The continual use of jetties for people in summer to jump off of into the ocean has once again led to a man in his 20's being rushed to a hospital from Henely Beach on the 7th of January 2017 after losing consciousness when performing a jetty jump into the sea. As you will see in this video below this activity is popular and unfortunately accidents are closely associated. It is said that due to moving sand bars across Adelaide's metropolitan coastal line the depth of the waters from the jetties is becoming more shallow and catching people out and therefore leading to more accidents this summer. At Mayfair Plumbing and Gasfitting we always advise our plumbers not to partake in such activities after a days work at Brighton or Semaphore, the thrill is simply not worth the risk.

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